Małopolska Exporter's Club

As part of the Małopolska Exporter's Club, activities related to the transfer of knowledge are arranged with a view to helping Małopolska’s enterprises increase their exports. The free support of the Exporter's Club can be used by both entrepreneurs already exporting and companies that are still preparing for export activities.

The Exporter's Club is a place that integrates various environments, promoting the direct exchange of information between entrepreneurs who are members of the Club's meetings.

All forms of support provided by the Exporter's Club are free of charge.

Benefits of Exporter's Club membership:

  • companies can take part in cyclically organized workshop trainings on export topics (specificity of potential trade partners, information about foreign markets,
  • cultural and legal aspects, transport and logistics-related aspects, financial and legal procedures, certificates, political and economic situation, e-commerce market and others),
  • companies can participate in meetings with experts with extensive knowledge of export strategies and draw knowledge from their experience,
  • the opportunity to establish relations between exporters, exchange contacts between partners from home and abroad and promote positive attitudes to export,
  • the opportunity to participate in meetings conducted by experienced exporters (entrepreneurs), both from the local market and from outside the region,
  • the opportunity to use studies, publications and webinars on export-related topics,
  • the opportunity to gain access to information about organized export events (fairs, economic missions, conferences) on an ongoing basis.

Do not delay, fill out the application form and join the Exporter Club now!

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Dołącz do klubu Eksportera

Contact us!

Together we will consider what kind of support we can offer.

Dołącz do klubu Eksportera

Planujesz rozpoczęcie sprzedaży swoich usług za granicą? Chcesz zwiększyć rozpoznawalność swoich produktów na innych rynkach?  Chciałbyś porozmawiać z praktykami handlu międzynarodowego? Dołącz do Małopolskiego Klubu Eksportera, inicjatywy skierowanej do przedsiębiorców rozwijających swoje firmy na rynkach światowych.

Dołącz do klubu

Projekt realizowany jest w ramach 3 Osi Priorytetowej Przedsiębiorcza Małopolska, Działanie 3.3 „Umiędzynarodowienie małopolskiej gospodarki”, Poddziałanie 3.3.1 „Promocja gospodarcza Małopolski” RPO Województwa Małopolskiego na lata 2014-2020.
